Happy Valentine’s Day! May our love continue to grow stronger and our jokes funnier.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember, the secret to a happy relationship is agreeing that I’m always right.
Roses are red, pickles are green, I love your legs and what’s in between.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the one who makes my heart flutter and my funny bone tickle.
Roses are red, fitness is a bore, on Valentine’s Day, I adore you even more.
Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with the romance of doing absolutely nothing together. And loving it.
This Valentine’s, let’s toast to love, laughter, and the undeniable fact that I’m the funny one in this relationship.
This Valentine’s, let’s share a moment of silence for all the money we saved on not buying expensive gifts.
Let’s make this Valentine’s Day special by eating all the chocolates and blaming it on the dog.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.