• Wishing you the ability to find your phone, keys, and mind throughout the New Year.

  • Wishing you 365 days filled with strength, courage, and happiness.

  • May your New Year involve less folding laundry and more folding pizza slices.

  • May the New Year give you the strength to face the challenges of life and courage to adjust the sail so as to take every situation to your stride.

  • Wishing you a New Year with more ping pong and less pong in life’s ping.

  • Let this New Year be filled with hope and enthusiasm to handle the challenges you face.

  • Wishing you a New Year’s fitness routine that doesn’t involve running… late.

  • May your New Year be filled with as much excitement as finding free Wi-Fi.

  • May your New Year be as bright and vibrant as the fireworks in the sky.

  • Wishing you a New Year that’s sparkling with fun, bursting with joy, and cracking with laughter.