Wishing you the ability to find your phone, keys, and mind throughout the New Year.
May the New Year bring a fresh bout of excellence to your life.
May the New Year bring to you the warmth of love, and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination.
Let this New Year be not just another year but a year of making remarkable progress, personally and professionally.
May your New Year involve less folding laundry and more folding pizza slices.
Wishing you a New Year with more ping pong and less pong in life’s ping.
Let every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you.
Let the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a joyous New Year!
Wishing you a New Year’s fitness routine that doesn’t involve running… late.
May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity.